Acoustica Mixcraft 2.51 Build 55 Download
Oct 3, 2009
I have downloaded the latest version of mixcraft and have just tried playing the audio in the player window to ensure that the software is installed and work,. I have tried setting up the MIDI and Audio driver and still no joy. I am running Windows 7 on a Dell.
Mixcraft V.5.0 Build 88 as Serial Number
Listen to Latest Free to Try Mixcraft Beta Version, build 88
Nov 26, 2014
All Audio and MIDI settings are working great in both the audio and MIDI I also redid all of the mapping for the GUI (project) and I still have problems. I have tried re-installing the software and it still says the same thing. As soon as I start Mixcraft all I get is this error message “Acoustica Mixcraft Recording Studio v2.51 Build 55”.
V.5.0, build 88, Serial Number 935646.
Oct 25, 2019
mixcraft 4.0.2, build 148, serial number 935648
I created a New Project called “ The Drum Faire ” and all of the audio and the MIDI settings are working great, no problems at all. I have tried setting up the two controllers, the PS1 and the DM1, I have made sure that the ASIO drivers are set to Direct Play and not ASIO, the audio and MIDI drivers are set to Direct Play and ASIO. I just can’t get past this error “Acoustica Mixcraft Recording Studio v2.51 Build 55” I have tried deleting the cache in the program and reinstalling the software but that doesn’t seem to work. I have tried switching the MIDI channel and that seems to be the only thing I can think of, because other applications that are using ASIO like Amp Farm, NI’s Melodyne and Ableton, all work. It is odd that the software works perfectly if you use the PS1 for the drums but if you use the ASIO drivers then I get this error. I have also tried changing the MIDI cables. I have tried the 5 Pin and I have tried the 8 Pin and both are giving the same problem. I have tried using both USB 2.0 and USB 3.0. All of the cables work with other software. It is just Mixcraft and I think that the program has some kind of weird conflict with the ASIO drivers. All I can think of is that maybe Mix
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Acoustica Mixcraft 2.51 Build 55 Download
Category:Audio editing softwareQ:
Array count returns Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
I am new to coding and trying to learn AngularJs. I am trying to print the sum of an array
Here is my HTML :
Here is my Controller
appSale.forEach(function (app, index) {
app.SalePrice = app.SalePrice + app.SalePriceTxt;
appSale.length is giving error.
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined
change to
{{ appSale.length }}
and in controller add the same data in the array. And use ng-repeat to display.
appSale.forEach(function (app, index) {
app.SalePrice = app.SalePrice + app.SalePriceTxt;
Responsive Image as Hover Card in WordPress
I am trying to add a hover card style image that is responsive to my current theme’s logo. Currently I have the following code that is applied via CSS:
.icon-container {
position: relative;
overflow: hidden;
float: right;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
margin-right: -110px;
margin-top: -40px;