The BlueFish File Mirror is a program which is monitoring a number of folders (maximum of a hundred) and copying the changes of this folders (referring to the files and subfolders) to other folders with the same name to another volume or to another root folder. With these features the BlueFish File Mirror is excellent for backup purposes as the changes to the files and folders are transfer the same time which changes took place. (Warning! Only the actual files will transfer to the destination and not the changes on the attributes of the files)
The program does not need a setup or install procedure and it size is extremely small. As it needs no setup it can be on a removable drive and operating with no problem at all. Step aside the executable, the program needs a file which will contain the parameters needed for it and a file which will keep a log for its operations.
Starting, the program seek for the parameters file ( config.ini ) in the folder which resides and loads the configuration. In case which the needed file is not present the program creates an empty file with the name config.ini which must be edited by the user. If the program start succesfully creates a log file inside the folder which resides, with the name log.txt which is updated every minute with the program operations.
Before the first run of the program ( and of course every time that a change will be made to the parameters ) the config.ini MUST be correctly edited.
Give BlueFish File Mirror a try to see how useful it can be for monitoring changes in your directories!
BlueFish File Mirror Free X64
BlueFish File Mirror is a replacement for the Windows file copying tool built into Windows. This program allows you to monitor the modification of any number of files and to copy them to any number of destinations. If you have a directory with hundreds of files and you want to take a backup copy of them without having to sit and retype all of the files one by one, then this is the program to do it.
BlueFish File Mirror Features:
Creates a log file with the name log.txt for each folder/fileset (or source) being monitored.
Allows you to specify where each file being copied should be stored.
Choose between monitor file and directories or any changes in the monitored folders.
The files will be renammed in the destination folder or volume.
Easy to use and customize.
Is optional in windows or have a dedicated stand alone version.
Windows 2000/XP/NT/2003/Vista
256 MB RAM
250 MB free HDD space
One Free account to log in as.
Screenshot of BlueFish File Mirror:
BlueFish File Mirror Download:
The Mirror – BlueFish File Mirror is a program which is monitoring a number of folders (maximum of a hundred) and copying the changes of this folders (referring to the files and subfolders) to other folders with the same name to another volume or to another root folder. With these features the BlueFish File Mirror is excellent for backup purposes as the changes to the files and folders are transfer the same time which changes took place. (Warning! Only the actual files will transfer to the destination and not the changes on the attributes of the files)
The program does not need a setup or install procedure and it size is extremely small. As it needs no setup it can be on a removable drive and operating with no problem at all. Step aside the executable, the program needs a file which will contain the parameters needed for it and a file which will keep a log for its operations.
Starting, the program seek for the parameters file ( config.ini ) in the folder which resides and loads the configuration. In case which the needed file is not present the program creates an empty file with the name config.ini which must be edited by the user. If the program start succesfully creates a log file inside the folder which resides, with the name log.txt which is updated every
BlueFish File Mirror Crack+ Activator Free
▸ the used folder is named source.txt and the destination folder is named target.txt
▸ the source.txt file is:
#include “config.ini”
Folder Path=(what you want to monitor)
Dir_1=(what you want to monitor)
#include “config.ini”
File_1=(what you want to monitor)
#include “config.ini”
The target.txt file must contain the following parameters:
^ ^ ^
| | |
| | \
——–> ———+
| |
| |
| \
BlueFish File Mirror
· File Mirror all folder content and new files (the original is updated in the destination, the created one is not).
· Create a log.txt every minute with the program operations.
· Copies only file and folders, not the attributes.
· Does not copy it’s self (system would crash and need a re-install)
· Non destructive operation – no program restart for the change – update immediately.
· Does not stop for the user
· Universal applicability for all OS and all directory structure and drives (including portable drives).
· Read config.ini and make the parameters for the program.
· Create log.txt with new log entries every minute
· Read config.ini and make the parameters for the program.
· ….
· ….
· Read config.ini and make the parameters for the program.
· Copy files and folder including new subfolder creation.
· Create a log.txt with new log entries every minute
· Run the program (you can run in the background if you want)
· Now let the program do its job.
· Do not touch your PC
· The program does not need any special software to be installed on the destination computer.
· Report changes to the log file.
· Delete the log file once the job has been finished.
· Minimal startup time – Silent mode will not be scanned and found the needed files.
· Versatile operating mode.
· Can be used with any kind of software (including portable drives)
· You can edit config.ini manually and specify a destination root directory and an amount of folders in which files and folders are going to be copied to.
· Convenient control by using a predefined keyboard shortcuts
· Added support of removable drives
BlueFish File Mirror Screenshots:
BlueFish File Mirror Screenshots:
BlueFish File Mirror Video:
BlueFish File Mirror, is a file backup tool which can be configured with various rules about the files and folders which are to be backed up and monitor the files and folders for changes, while copying the original files and folders to other locations. If any changes to the files or folders occurs it will update the source file and folders. You can also specify a schedule for the BlueFish File Mirror to run and a report can be configured to give you information about the changes which have been made on the files and folders.
BlueFish File Mirror is extremely small and it will not take much
What’s New In?
The BlueFish File Mirror is a program which is monitoring a number of folders (maximum of a hundred) and copying the changes of this folders (referring to the files and subfolders) to other folders with the same name to another volume or to another root folder. With these features the BlueFish File Mirror is excellent for backup purposes as the changes to the files and folders are transfer the same time which changes took place. (Warning! Only the actual files will transfer to the destination and not the changes on the attributes of the files)
The program does not need a setup or install procedure and it size is extremely small. As it needs no setup it can be on a removable drive and operating with no problem at all. Step aside the executable, the program needs a file which will contain the parameters needed for it and a file which will keep a log for its operations.
Starting, the program seek for the parameters file ( config.ini ) in the folder which resides and loads the configuration. In case which the needed file is not present the program creates an empty file with the name config.ini which must be edited by the user. If the program start succesfully creates a log file inside the folder which resides, with the name log.txt which is updated every minute with the program operations.
Before the first run of the program ( and of course every time that a change will be made to the parameters ) the config.ini MUST be correctly edited.
Give BlueFish File Mirror a try to see how useful it can be for monitoring changes in your directories!
More like “Other than copy and paste moves some files..I guess”.
The Size Is A Terrible Idea
They mention “The Log is updated every minute” I’m guessing this means it also sends a mail message or sends you an e-mail every minute? I doubt you’d want that everytime you log something! Can you select “Sending Every 30 Minutes” or something for a few seconds every minute and change it back? But I could be wrong
I understand what the program does, just that there is a better option.
The Size Is A Terrible Idea
They mention “The Log is updated every minute” I’m guessing this means it also sends a mail message or sends you an e-mail every minute? I doubt you’d want that everytime you log something! Can you select “Sending Every 30 Minutes” or something for a few seconds
System Requirements For BlueFish File Mirror:
Minimum system specifications for the Oculus Rift:
Minimum Spec:
OS: Windows 7/8/10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i3-2310M / AMD Phenom II X4 955 Processor or better.
Hard Drive: 16 GB available space
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 or AMD HD 2900 or better
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Resolution: 1280 x 800
USB: 2 x USB 2.0 port