AutoCAD 2023 24.2 Crack Free Registration Code [Win/Mac] [April-2022]







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The word auto- and -cad means “self-forming” or “self-determining” in Latin. The word “autocad” is an industry term for AutoCAD. Autocad is both a CAD application and a type of solid modeling.

In 1984, the first version of AutoCAD was released as a desktop application running on microcomputers with internal graphics controllers. At that time, most CAD programs ran on mainframe computers or minicomputers. To obtain CAD data on a large scale, for example to plot flight trajectories for defense or civil aircraft, many designers would work at separate graphics terminals. After using AutoCAD for the first time, many users were surprised to see how easy it was to draw basic free-form shapes.

Many early uses of AutoCAD were for engineering drawing, but the app has since become popular for more general purposes. It is well-suited for architecture, interior design, landscape design, architecture and engineering design, computer-aided design, mechanical design, woodworking, and other purposes.


AutoCAD is built on a structured user interface (UI) that allows for either a block diagram or parametric diagram style drawing. A block diagram style drawing is a representation of the objects in a drawing at one time, while a parametric diagram style drawing is a representation of objects in a drawing at some specified time.

In AutoCAD, users first draw a block diagram style drawing. After the user has finished the drawing, he or she can convert the drawing to a parametric diagram style drawing. AutoCAD lets users draw free-form shapes as well as 2D and 3D solids and surfaces, and users can add dimensions and annotations.

Design and editing principles

In AutoCAD, designs are built from solids and surfaces. A solid is an independent three-dimensional shape or object, such as a wall, pole, roof, or car body. Surfaces are borders or boundaries between solids. It is through surfaces that AutoCAD users create 2D drawings and 3D drawings.

When a user selects the pen tool and starts to draw a shape, a shapebox is created around the pen tip. Using the pen, the user will draw the outline of the shape.


A shapebox, which is the box that defines the shape that you are drawing,

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The ObjectARX open source class library is built on top of the Core library and it allows creating application functionality that operates on a model data structure called an ObjectARX Package.

AutoCAD Architecture is a.NET-based object database, which is loaded by the AutoCAD application as a preloaded object store.

Visual LISP
Visual LISP is a programming language used in the development of AutoCAD application, to enhance user interface, to improve the graphical display, and to implement new functionalities. Visual LISP is the language used in AutoCAD and was developed by Don Jacobson and it was initially released in 1989. It was replaced by Microsoft Visual Basic and is no longer supported. Visual LISP is based on an object oriented programming language known as “ObjectARX”, which is the language that the ObjectARX (C++ class library) is built on. Visual LISP is an interpreted language which was mainly used to develop “batch programs” in AutoCAD until the introduction of Microsoft Visual Basic. Visual LISP is an Object-Oriented programming language and is similar to Microsoft Visual Basic. It has an easy learning curve as it has familiar programming features such as variables, functions and loops.

The AutoLISP scripting language is used for custom programming in AutoCAD. It is a interpreted, dynamic scripting language which was developed by Don Jacobson for implementing Autodesk’s Office System Runtime (OSR) feature. The AutoLISP language was used mainly for creating and manipulating model data structures, XML files, and ASCII or XBASE files. AutoLISP was written in the ObjectARX class library.

Today, AutoLISP is no longer supported and is replaced by the.NET programming environment.

AutoCAD Visual LISP

AutoCAD Visual LISP (VLS) is a new scripting language used in AutoCAD 2013. AutoCAD Visual LISP is a fast and powerful GUI programming language, is designed to get you up and running quickly to automate repetitive tasks and to simplify your programming workflow. AutoCAD Visual LISP is a dynamic scripting language and is based on the ObjectARX language. AutoCAD Visual LISP (VLS) is similar to Microsoft Visual Basic, but the code is written in XML format.

AutoCAD Visual L

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## Function 3: Show Help

This function will show the Help file which has a description of each function.

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What’s New In AutoCAD?

Markup Assist shows you how to navigate, locate, and correct your drawings. Instead of generating a new drawing, the application can locate correct lines, paths, and planes and highlight them in the application to help you create more accurate drawings.

Import feedback from paper or PDF files:

Our industry-first easy-to-use import mechanism enables you to import feedback directly from the media. This technology is available in both AutoCAD R2023 and AutoCAD LT.

New design properties:

Use new, rich design properties to enhance your designs with data from sources like 3D and 2D images. These properties are based on the results of the geo-algorithms and are more efficient than traditional raster imagery.

Cloud and Desktop Collaboration:

Work together from anywhere in the world. Instead of having to synchronize changes between your drawings, share your work online and collaborate instantly with others.

Time-Saving Features:

Save time by drawing faster, simplifying repetitive tasks. Features that make you a faster and more efficient designer.

Assembled Dimensions:

Use assembled dimensions in your drawings to save time and ensure accuracy. AutoCAD LT lets you check assembled dimensions at the click of a button.

New Advanced Design Tools:

Make complex, 3D designs with the new Geometry Modeling & Analysis features. Also, get more advanced features in Sheet Set Manager, including the ability to build and manage sheet sets and manage data within these sheet sets.

View and review over 7,500 standard and user-defined views from within AutoCAD.

New Vector Scaling Tools:

Use new, powerful vector scaling tools that have been enhanced to make your drawings look sharper. Using AutoCAD LT, you can now apply a variety of different measures including: absolute scaling, relative scaling, and absolute and relative scaling.

Edit notes in various formats:

Use text attributes to show notes in your drawings. Export your notes and review them on the go using the PDF, Word, HTML, or XML formats.

Generate a PDF or Word document automatically:

Export your paper drawings to PDF or Word. In addition, AutoCAD LT allows you to select which drawing is output and export it to a single file or to multiple files.

Use built-in measures:

Use built-in measures

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP (32/64 bit), Windows 7 (32/64 bit), Windows 8 (32/64 bit) or Windows 10 (32/64 bit)
Processor: Intel® Core™ Duo processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel® GMA X4500 (1GB RAM), NVIDIA® GeForce 9600M GT (256MB RAM), or better
Hard disk: 13GB free disk space
Sound card: Realtek High Definition Audio
Additional: DirectX version 9.0c
To install

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